
Showing posts from November, 2014

How to recite the Holy Rosary

Recite the Rosary every day. Reciting the Rosary has always been a part of my Catholic life. For those who wants a guide on how to recite the Rosary. Please check out the Rosary guide on Google Play store on the link below: The Rosary Android app guide is free. Recite the Rosary every day or much better as often as your time allows. Pray for poor sinners around the world. As a Catholic or as a Christian, Miracles are easy to believe. Just want to quote from the movie of Saint Bernadette on Our Lady of Lourdes apparition. For those who believe, there is no need for explanation. But for those who don't believe there's no possible explanation. Say the Rosary every day, and we will be closer to Mary's son Jesus Christ. As Padre Pio quoted that the, "Rosary is The Weapon". St. Francis de S